Have you ever stopped to think about your dreams? How often do you dream? What are you dreaming about? Do you dream about what you’ll eat for lunch tomorrow or the big hairy spider that surprised you in your closet? Do you dream about those you love or those you’ve lost? Do you dream of those jeans that used to fit, or those shoes that scream your name each time you pass by the crystal clear store window? Do your dreams consist of darkness, overshadowed by a hint of gloom? Or are you dreaming of another life in which you are living out everything you truly desire?
I challenge you to focus your dreams! Dream big! Dream with detail! Dream like your life depends on it; as if it were your lifeline. Your dream is your light at the end of the tunnel, holding on by a thread, just by the skin of your teeth (do teeth really have skin?), silver lining in the cloud of your innermost being. Your dreams, your desires, your passions, all propel you into your destiny; or at least they should. It’s what you need to aspire to each and every day. You see, what most people really don’t understand is that the fulfillment of their dreams is one prayer away. It’s terribly unfortunate that most people only view their dreams as just that; an imagined idea that is unattainable or to large to tackle. However, the only thing standing in the way of you and your dream is a little bit of prayer, focus and discipline; and, you of course. Get out of your own way!
Dream….Dream….DREAM! Intentional dreaming will ignite the fire within your soul that will spread to every aspect of your being. As you dream in color and pray about the significance of your aspirations, you will begin to focus your attention, time and effort. You will become disciplined and unstoppable in realizing the dreams you never really thought would come true. You see, God will speak to you in your dreams. It’s usually the only time most of us are quiet enough to hear Him speak anyway. If you tune into His voice, you will soon see that your dreams are not impossible, lifeless, inanimate longings destined to be beyond your reach, because their inspired by God. God gives us the desires of our hearts. -Psalm 37:3-5 (Read it for yourself.)
Then, why do I have these awful dreams full of heartache and pain, death and destruction you ask? Well, there are a few reasons behind this. Either you are running from the dreams you are supposed to be experiencing; you know, too afraid to live the dream. Or, because of your lack of prayer, focus and discipline, your mind is bombarded by nonsense while you are awake and while you dream. What a waste of time?! You are constantly restless and drenched in chaos. You never take the time to understand that you have endless power, potential, and purpose.
Don’t just stand around wondering why someone else has achieved their dream. Don’t ask yourself why no one is helping you get to the place that only you dream about. No one knows, understands, or appreciates your dream like you do. So don’t let the fire go out! Run like wild and ignite a few others along the way.
Let me let you in on a little something… the reason why no one seems to have an answer for you; the reason why your pathway has not been uncovered quite yet; the reason why no one has offered to help you along the way is as follows: no one else has done what you are about to do. No one is capable of comprehending the magnitude of your dream! Only God shares the completed picture of your dream, so stop looking to everyone around you for all the answers. It’s just that simple. Can you believe it? God really made you radically unique and extraordinary! The game plan and the blueprint that He has given to you, has never been seen before. Don’t discount your dreams. Don’t minimize them based on the world’s standards and expectations. Be remarkably astonishing in everything you do and dream. God will not only use those who are not qualified by the world’s measure, but He will also use those who are uncompromising in their faith to exhibit that dreams really do come true.
So stop taking you for granted, and dream. Allow God’s creativity to flow through you and He will paint the canvas of your life in brilliant hues and patterns that are incomprehensible to the world around you. Be vibrant and exude the dynamically rich glow that’s revealed…
I challenge you to focus your dreams! Dream big! Dream with detail! Dream like your life depends on it; as if it were your lifeline. Your dream is your light at the end of the tunnel, holding on by a thread, just by the skin of your teeth (do teeth really have skin?), silver lining in the cloud of your innermost being. Your dreams, your desires, your passions, all propel you into your destiny; or at least they should. It’s what you need to aspire to each and every day. You see, what most people really don’t understand is that the fulfillment of their dreams is one prayer away. It’s terribly unfortunate that most people only view their dreams as just that; an imagined idea that is unattainable or to large to tackle. However, the only thing standing in the way of you and your dream is a little bit of prayer, focus and discipline; and, you of course. Get out of your own way!
Dream….Dream….DREAM! Intentional dreaming will ignite the fire within your soul that will spread to every aspect of your being. As you dream in color and pray about the significance of your aspirations, you will begin to focus your attention, time and effort. You will become disciplined and unstoppable in realizing the dreams you never really thought would come true. You see, God will speak to you in your dreams. It’s usually the only time most of us are quiet enough to hear Him speak anyway. If you tune into His voice, you will soon see that your dreams are not impossible, lifeless, inanimate longings destined to be beyond your reach, because their inspired by God. God gives us the desires of our hearts. -Psalm 37:3-5 (Read it for yourself.)
Then, why do I have these awful dreams full of heartache and pain, death and destruction you ask? Well, there are a few reasons behind this. Either you are running from the dreams you are supposed to be experiencing; you know, too afraid to live the dream. Or, because of your lack of prayer, focus and discipline, your mind is bombarded by nonsense while you are awake and while you dream. What a waste of time?! You are constantly restless and drenched in chaos. You never take the time to understand that you have endless power, potential, and purpose.
Don’t just stand around wondering why someone else has achieved their dream. Don’t ask yourself why no one is helping you get to the place that only you dream about. No one knows, understands, or appreciates your dream like you do. So don’t let the fire go out! Run like wild and ignite a few others along the way.
Let me let you in on a little something… the reason why no one seems to have an answer for you; the reason why your pathway has not been uncovered quite yet; the reason why no one has offered to help you along the way is as follows: no one else has done what you are about to do. No one is capable of comprehending the magnitude of your dream! Only God shares the completed picture of your dream, so stop looking to everyone around you for all the answers. It’s just that simple. Can you believe it? God really made you radically unique and extraordinary! The game plan and the blueprint that He has given to you, has never been seen before. Don’t discount your dreams. Don’t minimize them based on the world’s standards and expectations. Be remarkably astonishing in everything you do and dream. God will not only use those who are not qualified by the world’s measure, but He will also use those who are uncompromising in their faith to exhibit that dreams really do come true.
So stop taking you for granted, and dream. Allow God’s creativity to flow through you and He will paint the canvas of your life in brilliant hues and patterns that are incomprehensible to the world around you. Be vibrant and exude the dynamically rich glow that’s revealed…
Only In Your Dreams.
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