Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh the weather outside is...

So many people complain about the weather. “It’s too cold.” “Why does it have to snow?” “I hate the snow!” Don’t get me wrong, I had to grow quite a bit to get to where I am today, but let me offer another perspective.

The snow is just doing its job. It knows when and what it was created for. It’s being obedient to the voice of God and falls at His command. So, Let It Snow! It will not change my attitude or minimize my joy. I thank God I can simply see and feel it. He created snow long before we had cars, places to go, and bad drivers you know.

So the next time you begin to complain about winter and the snow, just stop to think about the creativity of God and how magnificent He is. He even takes the time to make each snowflake unique! We don’t even deserve His snow!


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