Thursday, February 25, 2010

If You Can't Find Me...

I probably flew south for the winter!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tribute to Naki

I just want to pay tribute to one of the boldest, creative, go-getter's I have the pleasure of knowing. I know this will make you cry Naki, but oh well! I'm proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You continue to grow daily and you're one of the few people who dream as big as I do. With you, fear seems to be incomprenhensible and "no" is really just backwards for"on." A book, CD, countless audiences, the radio station, poetry galore. Continue to follow your dreams.

For those of you who don't know Naki, you will. Not only does she roll with the punches and embrace what God sends her way, she is extremely proud of who she is and where she comes from. No one would ever know she was so fragile if she weren't so transparent. It's a part of her beauty.

So even if I can't stay up long enough to hear the show & have never made it to the Ground Level (yet) to see it all unfold, know that I'm a great supporter of you- Naki.

I hope you don't mind. (I know you won't.) Just trying to put you out there.

He calls me Friend~ Naki Akrobettoe

You called me friend, leaving me speechless
A discreteness in your approach, grabbed
Ahold of me, leaving me in this tug of war position,
Trying to figure out which voice to listen, too?
Did I forget to mention the dark nights
When I tossed and turned hoping to sink deep
Within my sheets. There you were holding me,
Rocking me to my best sleep.
Or even better, I could never forget the countless times,
"I give up" became my motto, you stepped in as a
Trusting man, loyal hand, that pure image I could follow
And even when I pouted, shouted, kicked and screamed,
You sent angels in the form of friends who loved me enough
To remind me of my ultimate dream.
Often times I would forget to acknowledge your presence,
And I regret not realizing a long time ago
that "you alone" was the true blessing, what a lesson learned.
Because it could never get any better than you,
To have a friend see me through to victory
To assist me in leaving my legacy, just to impart my own bit of history.
See you called me friend, left me speechelss
Because I reniged many times on my word surrendering to my weakness,
The flesh, I confess,
All along you possessed the meakness, compassion, never lacking the discipline,
Intricate in your detail to ensure that all things worked for my good,
All along before me is where you stood,
Tall and gentle
A living temple
That I've grown to enter daily,
Overwhelmed cause you have nursed me since I was a baby.
And you treat me like a lady,
Truly keeping me from darkness,
Because your #1 priority is my saftey
I often wonder how I can ever repay thee?
Because of you, I'm simply able to be me,
Living breathing walking smiling…FREE.
And though the words can't begin to capture
Half of what I feel for you,
Agape always shines true
And just to know you call me friend,
Lets me know I can count on you
When all else fails and not a another souls stands
There you will be friend,
Holding my hand.


Naki's the 1st Poet~

Naki's the 3rd Poet~

Give those you care about their flowers
while they have time to enjoy them.

Little Things...

Acknowledging and thanking God for the little things. The subtle smiles, encouraging cards, the BIG prayers, the quiet moments, the rippled waves, the soft breeze.

God is in everything.

Doing a bunch of little things will have a BIG impact!

Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm Living My Life Like It's Golden

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daydreaming & I'm Thinking of You!

Don't bother calling! I'm headed to my favorite place.

Even if only in my dreams...

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Moment

When I think of my blog, J. Lo’s album title comes to mind; This is Me…Then. Or maybe something like, Moments of Manifestation. You see, writing tends to liberate me. But just as bullets, once discharged, they can’t be taken back. My words are gone, no longer in my grasp. Either forced out to enlighten, brighten, or simply as a means to vent. Usually after I’ve experienced this release, I don’t explore the matter again. I do not wish to talk about, think about, or dwell upon me then because I have moved on.

“While You Were Thinking” came about because at times I was a volatile tea kettle steaming from every crack. I had so much on my mind, yet speak much more eloquently on paper than in person. You know, while in the heat of an argument you can’t think of one word to say in return until you turn to walk away. Then like water set free from a dam, an overwhelming flow of words come flooding back to your being. But by then it’s too late. The moment has passed. You would demonstrate a self-indulgent spirit if you revisited the matter. So instead of keeping it all in or writing hidden messages that were never meant for any eye, I decided to mature a bit and let the world have a glimpse of the endless storybook in my mind.

At times I try to draw a picture with my words because as Naki reminds me, I too dream in color. Other times, I realize that you can never see what God shows me and any literary depiction is an imperceptibly miniscule attempt to exhibit what is exclusively shared by me and God. It’s sort of like our little secret. Because even the most well intentioned people, and this world, have the tendency to dampen the greatest of dreams if you let them- so I don’t. Going off on a tangent- you see, its not that people don’t want you to succeed or don’t believe in you, they just might not dream as big as you do. They might be destined for another path or experience and have no inclination of the magnificence you describe. So instead of letting them stop you, discern whether or not God wants you to share what He has given to you with others, and if so, when.

I’m back now. You see, even if profoundly written, I tend not to look back. I pursue an active, living God and I can not afford to be left behind. What I write, is what was given for the moment- a demonstration of my growth, weakness, creativity and outlook; my unique perspective on life as I know it…then. To be exposed is not easy. To allow God to be my strength and on display in my life is a joy. What areas of your life do you need to let mature? Ask God to show you and try your best to do it His way. It is not always easy. You will not always understand, but you always end up better than before.

This moment has ended. Thank you for your time.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

While You Were Thinking...

Thoughts are mental processes yielding the potential to revolutionize every aspect of existence. Undisclosed, thoughts remain powerless, inconsequential, and incapable of enhancing the outlook of others. Illuminate your consciousness by accumulating the thoughts of others; receptivity is determined by your desire of the inexhaustible pursuit of wisdom and understanding. Ignite the thoughts of others while cultivating your most intimate visions. Seek to affect this world with your thoughts.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday Selection

So the hubby and I are having a "little" Superbowl party. You see, he wanted this to be an "all guy" thing, but with the kickoff at 8:30 and work only 10 hours away, where did he think I was going?! So I picked enough fights about the whole thing (we really don't fight) and now it's a co-ed event that I'm sure I'm going to pay for tomorrow morning.

You see, I've never been the type to stay up all night. And football lasts forever (5 minutes is not 5 minutes in football!). So once my tastebuds are satisfied, I might just have to tip toe away to the bedroom and head off to slumberland. We'll see.

Anyway, the menu is what intrigues me. There are so many options to choose from. And considering that I don't care who wins,- they won't be sharing their winnings with me and I get just as beat up on my job as they do- I'll keep my focus on the feast.

Here's just a few ideas.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fabricated Friday's- Exclusive Edition

What's so exclusive about Disney's Club 33? Well, the club does have about 475 members, however; it may be the membership price that grabs your attention.
Cooperate initiation fee- $27,500. Individual initiation fee- $10, 475. And don't forget those annual fees. $6,100 & $3,275, respectively.

Don't get me wrong, there are some benefits. Club 33 members get daily admission to the park on the days that they eat at the club, up to six "fast passes" allowing them to return to a ride and walk to the front of the line at any time and valet parking at a Disney hotel.

Maybe Congress can ask Club 33 for a bailout....